Crusty and old – it smells terrible. The cloth sits at the back of the cupboard. Cupboard in the kitchen. Cupboard under the sink in the kitchen. This is a special piece of cloth – the vomit rag.
It sits unused almost every day of the year. Why not throw it away? Well I did say it went unused almost all of the time. God I really wish we could throw it away. It lurks because it is needed. Required to lurk continuously – or until we have updated our through guts to something more advanced. I envision a time in the future when no one will need to throw-up, I wish this age of advancement and cleared out cupboards Godspeed on its journey to us.
But until that time, we must continue to indulge the lurker. Ring it out, wash it, do something! Nothing seems to work. Vomit is pervasive, and when the fibrous material meets the inconsistent mass of stomach bile and carrots, it pervades further. God I really wish we could throw it away. Once or twice a year, a vomit pile needs cleaning. Soak up the concoction. Humans must smell terrible on their insides.
Sleep is important. Vitally so. One should not stay awake through an entire night; it simply isn’t recommended. But one simply does as one must simply do. Today (22/06/21) I inhabit the vomit rag. I am a human vomit rag.