The node bobs out around the corner. It looks at me. An inquisitive eye staring.
“I am doing fine thanks.”
It bobs back, a nest to build.
Cold caps of thick skin cover my fingertips. It’s a cold one today, getting colder, more cold incoming. It was warm before – a necessary condition to its becoming colder.
Why always with the temperature? Pfft.
Let’s make a fish pie. Would you like to come around for my famous home-baked fish pie?
“It’s a little cottony for me thanks, maybe next year…” (It would be wise for you to run now)
The node is gazing out again, wistfully. No longer enquiring after my health, I fear the node wants to nick the very jumper off of my back. The wool from which the jumper is comprised would help in furnishing a new nest.
Which nest is best? I hear they’re being forced to talk about aliens today.