Approaching an aviary

Flight, the ultimate freedom. No need for overly complicated mechanisations to travel from point A to point B in a timeous manner. Simply take to the air and ride the rising currents that you will find within your region. Currents of air are regional, just like the birds that assail them.

The bulbous grey body that is commonly found within our region likes to make its presence known in a big way. SQUAWK. The common garden Ibis is not 1. LITHE, 2. STEALTHY, or 3. THAT FANCY for a bird. However, what the Ibis lacks in these other qualifications, it more than makes up for in 4. DENSITY. There are many of the grey bulbous bodies around. SQUAWK.

Craning his neck, Curt makes a series of highly complex, and innately instinctual calculations pertaining to his angle of attack. How he arrives at the conclusion to first hop slightly, then extend his wings in a swooping fashion after 1.5 seconds of decent, he doesn’t know, he just goes with it. That worm was toast the moment he breached the hard earthen ground. The hard truth about the worm eating world is that worms in public are going to be ingested. Curt knows this, he’s just glad he’s not a worm.

The common garden Ibis is an apex predator.

“Man, I haven’t seen a Hadeda stick its neck out like that before, it looked almost like a clunky cat.”

“Yeah, they do that I suppose.”