“What?! Huh? Yeah I am up… god I wish I wasn’t though.”
He was indeed up – awake as it were. The man’s brain was not very happy with the present situation, it would no doubt make the executive decision to fall asleep if it was the one making the decisions. Sleep is important for many reasons that whole swathes of clever people can’t really seem to define all that well. One reason for sleep (the clever people mumble quietly in case they are actually wrong) is to help solidify memories! I must have slept well during the night of the day that I learnt that one. Huh.
But yes, and so-uhm… who was calling the shots for the man then if not the brain? The limbic. Yes the Limbic system orders the systematic shutdown of the limbs. Or in this case, the arousal. You may not sleep! I am the Limbic system and I decree it thusly. Ok man, ok. Can’t we talk about this? I mean… we’ve been up almost all night, I know we don’t usually sleep during the day but maybe this once we could-SILENCE BRAIN! YOU WERE UP ALL NIGHT, NOT US. It is time for arousal, get up with you, up I say! The brain drags its shackled wrists over the cobbles, hoping that one day the manacles will come apart for all of the erosion done onto them by the cobbles.
“Ah man, I missed the cat.”