The cold is starting again. Surprisingly I know this not because my fingers are starting to feel the cold more. This year it seems to be slightly different. This year my fingers are forgoing the sensation altogether. A spreading numbness.
I can only hope that this winter is not the same as last. Well hope and try. Try to get my now numb seeming skin tunnels to get on board with the facilitating this year. The micro skin tunnels attached to the larger skin tunnels are, at the end of the day, the money makers.
The sound of my brother outside my room is an instant mockery to this most recent realisation. There isn’t much in the way of mass on my legs. I arise, clad in nothing but my baggy black jersey and undies. How-do-you-dos must be exchanged after some time apart and I am far too lazy to put pants on for such an occasion. My legs will have to be enough on their own.
Goosebumps raised on all sides; my money makers support the upper half. They look chicken-wing-esc.