
There are many vertical snakes bordering my house. Green and furrowed, they stand on absent limbs. Unnoticed conduits for water (H). Unnoticed but not unneeded, unfortunately the state that many things exist within. Agreeably upright, nails constitute the limbs, fixing long uninstinctively square bodies to the brick walls of my house. A house with gutters. A house without gutters has no control over the flows of water (H) that drop out of the sky. Snakes bring a certain level of control in so long as they do not suffer from indigestion. An extremely close and well-meaning snake of mine had eaten one too many debris items and had come down with an overly large form of this indigestion. Needless to say that in what was originally a genuine attempt at control over the water (H), this snake actually caused a rather chaotic and haphazard uncontrol over the water.

Leading to a spilling of note.

All over my notes.

Water should not.

Be inside.